Monday, July 9, 2012

Reset: Day One

Day One
An object at rest certainly likes to stay at rest. All the way home from work, I was coming up with brilliant excuses to skip the run I had planned. It looked like rain. I'm too tired. I don't want to. When I got home, I discovered that I would be home alone for the night, so I decided to do a Pilates Anytime workout. I like having the bouncy ball to follow along. When I practice Pilates, I have two general modes: classical in order and messing around doing what feels good. Sometimes, I like having someone choose what I do. It gives me one less thing to think about.  I did Class 175: Meredith Rogers - Mat Workout - Level 3. I'll say this about BASI instructors, my abdominals always tremble within the first 10 minutes. Meredith had some great approaches to exercises that I hadn't used before: side bend and side twist before side kicks, side kicks with bottom leg bent and propped on bottom elbow, and an exercise involving flexion and extension from child's pose that was really yummy, as well as a closing series integrating external shoulder rotation with slight thoracic extension.

I enjoyed the workout so much, I'm tempted to change 90 days of movement into a mat specific adventure. Perhaps I'll do 90 days on movement, 90 days of mat, 90 days of reformer, 90 days of chair...but I'll try not to get ahead of myself.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Vaction Interrupticus

In case you didn't notice, I fell off my 90 days of movement wagon.
Two weeks ago, in preparation for vacation...I slacked with the bloggong aspect, but still did my workouts, and last week I went on vacation and slacked on the workouts. I did discover two new favorite ways to move: kayaking (so peaceful) and life vest swimming, which was actually just our way to cool off in the unbeachified lake that we were staying at. It was too gross and mucky off the dock to wade out in, so we bellyflopped off the dock and kicked out into the deep cool part of the lake. It was just what the doctor ordered on that boiling hot day. One can only go back and forth between blazing heat and indoor AC so many times before you want to lose your mind.
 I'm human. It happens to the best of us.

I did, however, do a lot of the reading that I have been piling up over the past year or so. Stretch to Win is a great book to work your way through, which I did. So actually, I suppose I did move almost every day, but...for my purposes I'm not going to count it because part of the point was to explore the movement n ot just do it. I also finally got through this cute little book about Sciatica, it mostly confmirmed every thing that I already know about sciatic pain and it's sources, and it gave me a giggle because the author and editor, if there was one, fell victim to their own spell check and mentioned the "lumber" spine in several places.

We're home from our trip now, and honestly, I'm going to take the next 24+ hours to hang out with my boyfriend and continue to enjoy my vacation. On Monday, the clock resets and I'll restart at day one of my 90 days of movement project.
